Sean King is distracted by something for a split second and then a presidential candidate is dead. He loses his career and his planned future and has to start again.
Michelle Maxwell...Read more
Sean King is distracted by something for a split second and then a presidential candidate is dead. He loses his career and his planned future and has to start again.
Michelle Maxwell is leading a detail to protect a presidential candidate when she lets him go into a room without her and he disappears, the similarity between her and Sean's cases cause her to reopen the investigation and King has to deal with his issues about it. Key witnesses start turning up dead or missing so the two of them are on a race to discover the truth. It will change their lives.
It was entertaining to be reading this while both a presidential campaign, where one of the candidates is interpreted as suggesting assassination as a solution and while the Olympics are ongoing (Maxwell is an ex-olympian), and to crown things off when Ireland were involved in rowing (and getting medals!), it made it resonate a bit more. I like the story and I find the characters entertaining and I could hear the actors in my mind as the banter started between King and Maxwell. I'm looking forward to more in this series.