Written on Nov 9, 2013
As I said, Roses is a fantasy, as such the world building takes some time and I have to confess of a bit of confusion at times (like they measure time in moon cycles?). The world of the Western Realm is very diverse and a country at war. There is a chiasmic and unfair division of classes in the city of Sago and also a war between “normal” people and Magic Beings and Magic Bloods. People, as it always happen, are afraid of what they don’t understand and revel against it. The world built by Mannering is exquisite in its detail and uniqueness.
The story of Beauty is heartbreaking. She looks very different, with silver skin, white hair, and amethyst eyes and most people are terrified of her. The first years of her life are awful, she is either neglected, ignored, abused or shown like a circus animal. She is mockingly named Beauty after years without even a name. Her only solace are the horses and Owaine Ma Dane’s horse trainer. When the Magic Cleansing starts, Owaine and Beauty flee the city to the Hillands to Owaine’s place of origin.
Here Beauty is also feared, but is more accepted. She finds peace and the love of his new father Owaine. The story intertwines the magical persecution with the story of B&B. The Beast is truly terrifying and more ‘beastly’ and ugly that any I’ve read before. Also, the enchantment was done by a Magic Blood to a general (not a prince) and his soldiers. I really liked Beast and how patience he was with Beauty. I’m also happy that Beauty learned at least some answers about her past, even if everything was snatched quite fast.
The story is slow, it spans from the beginning of Beauty’s life until the ‘end’ of the story of Beauty and the Beast. It is obvious that this is the first book of a series, as the ending was a non-ending, or rather the beginning of Beauty’s involvement in the war. The plot is complicated and the story of B&B is just one of the layers of the intricate fantasy with magical and political undertones. The writing is descriptive and eloquent with minimal dialogue. The part that I enjoyed the most was (as expected) when Beast came into the story (until almost 200 pages!); it felt like an intermission of the real story (like one story within another).
Overall, Roses is a great read. It is not exactly a retelling of B&B, but it seems like a high fantasy built around it. I’m very curious to know where the story line will go next.
About the cover: The cover is much prettier in person. The vine or roses are black and shiny and very appropriate (as is the title) to the story.