Virginia had that one awesome romantic at the very end of book one, but in this book, she has a full-on, wonderful, swoony romance. The problem was that it was sort of a forbidden romance, and let me tell you, it's quite a sticky situation. But I loved it! And adored the pairing and their dynamic. They were sweet and adorable and perfect together.
It was great to have Anias back with the rest of the Shreves clan. We didn't really get to know her in the first book, but I knew she was a big influence on Virginia. I don't think the Shreves family has worked through all their issues, but I thought they made some headway, and Virginia continued to find her voice and come into her own.
I was a little caught off by how open the ending was. I would be delighted to read more of Virginia's adventures, especially given the romantic possibility we were left with, but if you are looking for closure of any sort, there is none.
*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.