Written on May 10, 2017
What I liked, and what people are going to say “Whaaaaat” about is that the main characters didn’t shapeshift into their wolves very often. But that didn’t take away from their powers. They are able to smell like wolves and the Alpha males definitely came across as Alphas. Kaden’s scenes, especially in the beginning, exuded his Alphaness (is that a word….lol). It was actually refreshing to read a book where they weren’t turning into a wolf every other chapter and it made me enjoy the book even more.
This is a first for the last few books that I have read/reviewed. I absolutely loved Mara. While she was very innocent about the ways of the werewolves outside of her clan, she didn’t let that hold her back. She wasn’t afraid to stand up to Kaden when she met him and every time after that. She also wasn’t afraid to let people know what she felt. Coen, Kase, Amelia, Landon and oh, let’s not forget Kaden. She needled him without even knowing she was.
Let’s talk about Kaden. He was the epitome of the boogeyman. The Purity Clan didn’t let their girls near the windows after dark because he took them. And he definitely did play the part. But little things slipped out. He treated her differently and he was different when he was around certain people. He did give off a dark vibe throughout the book. Very dark but there was light in him too. I felt awful when he told Mara the truth about him. Actually, my exact words were “Holy sh-t!! No way” after their talk.
The romance between Kaden and Mara, at first, really didn’t jive with me. Only because she was his prisoner and I really didn’t like it when the captor and the prisoner fall in love. It always screams Stockholm Syndrome to me. There was a definite attraction but it was kept under wraps until she went to Landon and Amelia’s clan to do a very dirty mission. It was only after Kaden kisses her (she was drunk and passed out) that it is revealed what she is to him and how hard he is trying to protect her. When she realizes what he is to her….Oh. My. God. Talk about an insanely hot, hot, hot sex scene.
Like I said above, Kaden really wasn’t what he projected. But I was surprised at who was behind his reputation and the reasons that this person had for forcing Kaden to do what he did. Put it this way, I wasn’t happy when certain events happened and that person got what was coming to them. Just saying. Wasn’t sad at all.
The secondary characters made the book. While Kaden and Mara were the stars, the secondary characters were close seconds. The author was able to successfully weave these characters into the main and secondary plotlines without them taking over the book. Which I enjoyed….a lot.
The end of the book was a little sad and it left on a small cliffhanger. Which means I have to read book 3 to see what happens with Grayson and Lexie. Not that I would mind.
How many stars will I give Alpha Kaden: 4
Why: I really enjoyed reading Alpha Kaden. It was a truly original werewolf love story that kept me engrossed for the book.
Will I reread: Yes
Will I recommend to family and friends: Yes
Age range: Adult
Why: Sex, language, and violence
**I chose to leave this review after reading an advance reader copy**