Written on Jul 22, 2014
All We Had is a very simple novel, Ruthie and her mom Rita, spend more time homeless than they do living in a home, and they do whatever it takes to get food in their bellies, and a roof over their heads. But after one dour relationship too many, Rita decides she and Ruthie will head for Boston, it’s where they’re going to end up anyway, because Ruthie is destined for Harvard, with her quick wit and massive smarts. But they end up in Fat River, in New York, instead. And for the first time in a long time, they start to put down roots and Fat River starts to feel like home. The folks at the Diner become like family, and Ruthie thinks that perhaps they’ll be able to stay here forever, but Ruthie and Rita don’t have that kind of luck, so what will happen when they find themselves drowning financially once again?
All We Had is one of those bittersweet novels, that you read with a lump in your throat. The love and bond that Ruthie and her mom Rita share, is extraordinary. Sure, many people are close to their mom, or their dad, but Ruthie and Rita’s relationship is something else. They need each other. Ruthie without Rita, or vice-versa, would be so wrong, like one of them is missing half their body. They’ve been through so much together – awful things, things that made me shudder and things that made me think Ruthie may have been better off elsewhere, but, actually, Rita did a pretty awesome job of making sure her daughter was never hurt, and even though their life isn’t perfect, it is what it is and because they have each other it’s infinitely better. I would love to have that type of bond with another person. I love my parents, but the closeness of being homeless, of living in a car, of sleeping together in the same bed, limbs entwined, is different. And it was super special.
I’m also a sucker for novels where strangers happily welcome in new members to their little fold, and Arlene, Mel, and Peter Pam were delightful additions to the novel, welcoming Ruthie and Rita into their strange little life at Tiny’s. I always find it so comforting to know the kindness of certain strangers. It was such a fascinating novel, and Ruthie’s narrative made it all the better. She’s such a grown up for such a young girl, and her voice was bright, clear and loud and her wit and humour were second-to-none. Annie Weatherwas has written such a tender, delightful novel, and I am so glad it had such a pretty cover that I couldn’t resist requesting it. It was, sadly, a novel that was probably never going to end well, but it was satisfactory, and proved the world over, that Rita would do anything to help Ruthie succeed and try and become President one day (I would totally vote Ruthie for president, just sayin’, if I were American and able to vote and all that jazz).