I first discovered Peter V. Brett’s Demon Cycle series three years ago, when I picked up The Painted Man from my local library. I absolutely fell in love with the series, and have now read and reviewed all three books in the series so far. The first book is definitely my favourite of the three, so I thought it would be interesting to go back to Arlen’s roots with these short stories.
However, fans of Abban and Leesha will also be pleased, as they each have their own short stories in this volume. My favourite was the first, the story of Arlen and the thundersticks, his first encounter with snow demons and another battle with One-Arm, the rock demon hellbent on killing him.
I’ve mentioned in previous reviews of short stories that I find them difficult to review, because often I’m left a little disappointed and wanting more. This volume does not suffer from this, being an accompaniment to a longer series, but it didn’t really add anything necessary. However, it was interesting nonetheless, and something to quench the thirst until I can get my hands on the recently released fourth book. A recommendation for anyone who enjoys Brett’s writing, and especially those who can’t wait for book five!