Written on Jun 27, 2019
I'm not sure I want to live in this world. Well, I wouldn't mind the last part, because I know my problems are easily solvable considering what our two protagonists, estranged best friends Meredith Delinn and Connie Flute, are enduring.
Now, let me be clear. This is a fluffy beach read, and that's how I'm evaluating it. A work of literary genius it is not. But a solid, engaging bit of light reading perfectly suited to a vacation? It is certainly that, despite its questionable politics. The story is juicy, the characters have more depth than the genre requires, and the descriptions of Nantucket are compelling. It's overwritten in many places (some of the metaphors are just... no) and generally nothing to write home about style-wise, but the story itself is fun and it's compulsively readable. This is the third Hilderbrand novel I've read, and I can't deny that she knows how to come up with an interesting premise and surprisingly well-developed characters. Sure, the endings are always predictable, tidy in the most unrealistic way; sure, it's a stretch to feel sorry for a woman who falls from extreme wealth into the horrors of an upper middle-class life; sure, some of the social views displayed are questionable. But when you're literally sitting on a beautiful beach looking out at the beautiful water, this is the kind of book you want to read. (Well, maybe you don't. I do.)