Written on Oct 30, 2014
I have never read a book about stories. I may have read books that had seers but not they weren't the major focus. If you don't know what seers are, seers are humans with powers that can see the future in visions. It starts off with a brother and sister, Liam and Lilli, who find their mother dead because The Guild was searching for Lilli who is a seer. Their mother leaves some videos for them, explaining why she never told them about The Guild, about their father's death, among other secrets. After the siblings hear this discovery, they follow the instructions their mom left them and travel to a place where they will find help.
The Guild is a place where people capture seers in order to study them and use them against the world to manipulate. At The Guild, we are introduced to two seers: Alessandra and Marcus. Marcus has been waiting for Alessadra, for she will help restore the order of the seers. Out of all the seers in this book, I believe Alessandra is the one that has gone through more torture, has seen the most deaths and this is why she is shy and reserved. Marcus shares his story with Alessandra and she starts trusting him more and more each day. They come up with an escape plan and finally they leave The Guild with other seers that managed to see what was going to happen. They travel to the same place that Liam and Lilli traveled, which is where humans are living.
Alessandra has seen visions of Liam and herself being together, which to her is strange because Liam barely acknowledges her. I ship these two characters a lot. There is a scene where absoluetly nothing is happening and I was already fanning my face because it was intense and steamy...without anything happening, I know. You have to read to find out ;)
Humans and seers unite to fight the evil that has overpowered their nation to destroy the seers. The ending is sad. There isn't really much of a cliff-hanger. Yes, it continues but it doesn't leave you hanging, but what it does do is that at the end it includes ONE page of the second book and it includes a cliff-hanger!
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It is described in third person point of view, which gives more insight into the other characters and I found that quite enjoyable and I could understand more of what was going on.