"I just don't want to cosy up to the guy whose girl I have every intention of stealing." (Tamani de Rhoslyn)
The most frustrating part of Wild is the love triangle between Laurel, David and Tamani. This love triangle takes up more page time than the actual plot, which is figuring out what's going on with the trolls and Klea. In Spells, Laurel chooses David over Tamani. However, when Tamani becomes a student at Laurel's high school, there's lots of tension and jealousy between Tamani and David and this leads to conflict and confrontation, which is extremely hilarious and annoying to read about. The cause of this conflict is Laurel, the Mary Sue who everyone loves and who can do no wrong. When Laurel is with David, she keeps on telling him that he has nothing to worry about and that he should trust her, but then she goes and leads Tamani on and Tamani makes his intentions of "stealing" Laurel from David VERY clear. Laurel doesn't know what she wants and I just wanted her to stop focusing on boys and love and start figuring on what's going on with her head and emotions. And, she does. However, in this case, Laurel is all talk and no action. After she breaks up the fight between David and Tamani, she says that she's done with both David and Tamani, which made me say "YES GIRL! Do you!" and then she ruins it by making out with Tamani straight afterwards and repeating the cycle of leading him on.
But there are two aspects that I enjoy reading about in Wild:
1)The whole mystery involving Yuki.
2)Any scene with Chelsea in it.
"Time was like that, though - racing forward when she wanted it to slow down, then crawling to a stop when she could least bear it."