Written on Jan 9, 2018
The funny thing about my love of the show is that I never watched it when it was originally on the air. It started while I was still living in Orkney and I don't remember ever seeing much about it then. We moved to Canada in 1994, which was four years before the show ended, but I don't recall ever seeing it much then, either, or perhaps I just didn't know what it was and didn't bother with it. Then in 1998 we moved to Saskatchewan, didn't subscribe to any cable TV, but made do with 'Farmervision', which was two English channels, plus on French one, that we could pick up with an antenna. Every night one of these channels showed Seinfeld reruns at 10:30pm. I started watching it one night and discovered that he humour was right up my alley and just kept on watching it each night. When it was eventually released on DVD I bought each season as they were released.
At some point I'll need to reread this book as there is just so much to remember. If you are in any way interested in or curious about the phenomenon that is Seinfeld, then this book would be a great place to start. Special thanks to my family for giving this book to me for Christmas, or maybe it was a Festivus gift! Either way, I'm glad they did.