Written on Jul 27, 2014
Devil May Care was just an okay read for me. It might have helped if I had remembered anything from the first book, but there's enough recap sprinkled throughout so that I wasn't completely lost. Faith is preparing for both her mother's and her best friend's weddings. What should be a happy (if a bit stressful) time has turned into chaos when Matt's kind of ex-girlfriend shows up at her door, and then her ex-fiance appears at her job. If that's not enough, someone is out to kill Faith, but winds up kidnapping her brother in the process, effectively postponing one of the weddings. Meanwhile, Faith is hoping that she's not linked to a murder while there's an ongoing investigation at the hospital where she works. Quite a lot going on, and none of it managed to hold my attention.
Devil May Care does have it's cute and fun moments. I did like the whole mess between Faith, Matt, and Brenda at first. Brenda believes that she and Matt are going to get married, since his mother had set them up. She doesn't even care that he's dating Faith and has absolutely no interest in her. He wants her gone immediately, but Faith doesn't want to turn her out since she has nowhere to go and really seems to be in trouble. Big mistake, Faith! Brenda is one of those overly chipper people with bite. All of her kind actions and words are undercut with maliciousness and I was just waiting for Faith (or Lisa) to explode! Of course, there's a twist, but by time that came around my brain had mostly checked out.
There's a lot of relationship drama between Matt and Faith, and I just was not into it. I am not at all a fan of the whole "You didn't try hard enough to tell me [whatever]" type of fight. Faith kept trying to let Matt know that her ex was temporarily in town, but he always had some excuse to put off their talk, so when he finally found out he got mad because she didn't tell him. That's your fault, Matt! Then there's some more drama, that I apparently missed and got very confused. Then there's another cliche that I hate, which is the "We can't be together for your own good" speech. It is not your place to tell your significant other what is in their best interest! It's really in your own best interest! It's not them, it's you!
In the end, Devil May Care was disappointing. There's a lot of stuff going on plot wise, but nothing ever grabbed at me. It all jumped around too much without much connection. Also, I struggled with the humor in this one, which isn't the book's fault. It just wasn't the kind of humor that I "get."
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