Baroness Book Trove
Written on Sep 4, 2019
Will they both survive what Death has in store for them?
Council of Souls by Jen Printy is the so anticipated sequel to the thrilling first book. I know I didn't have to wait as long as some people might have, thank goodness.
Jack Hammond
Jack Hammond is one of our protagonists, love interest, and our only point of view character. He is forever twenty years old and doesn't want to let Leah go now that he has found her. Just one big problem and that is Death has his hands on her. Jack doesn't know what to do but help Leah out as best as he can while staying true to himself. Throughout the book, this gets harder for the two of them to deal with.
Likes and Dislikes
These are the things I like about Jack:
- He is a true gentleman to the core. Even though he tries to fit into today's society, his manners are ingrained deep in him. This adjustment still proves to be difficult for the young man.
- As an immortal stuck at the age of twenty, Jack gets carded a lot. I find it funny that he is one hundred and seventy years old, but he still gets carded.
- No matter what Jack is always there for Leah even when she pushes him away.
Now my dislikes for Jack: there is only one thing. Jack is a very stubborn young man. I guess the saying the older you get, the more stubborn you are is true for Jack even more so when it comes to Leah.
Leah Winters
Leah Winters is our second protagonist, the last part of the couple, and isn't a point of view character. The only parts of Leah that we truly know is what we know from Jack's point of view. Although she is a fascinating character that is trying her best to fit into so many things. Leah is only eighteen and will stay that way forever now. She is a fantastic artist and will make a great one. Leah has been through a lot, she is trying to deal with it while navigating this new part of her life. She is also my favorite of the two.
Likes and Dislikes
These are the things that I like about Leah:
- Leah is a great character that levels out Jack as best as she can.
- She is a great artist, and this is a major like from me since I like art, primarily paintings.
- I also like that Leah will call out Jack when he is a doofus on not letting her help.
- Then there is their bond and that she tries to protect him as he did with her.
Now onto my dislikes of Leah:
Leah didn't ask Jack for help when she needed it.
Then why did she do what she did? I can't exactly say as it's a spoiler, but jeez. Sometimes Leah can be a real blond.
Five Stars
Council of Souls by Jen Printy is just as wonderful as the first book. Magnificent is the best word to describe this book. I love how she also adds the plot twists in here. My favorite one happens to be a spoiler but wow didn't see that coming.
Other Books in the Series
My Soul Immortal
by Jen Printy
Series: Fated Eternals #1
on February 22, 2014
Genres: Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance
Pages: 280
Format: Kindle
Source: Author
Buy on Amazon, Buy on Book Depository
An endless love, for an endless price.
Jack’s immortality is exposed when he prevents a liquor store heist, forcing him to flee to protect his secret—a secret, not even he understands. But when he meets Leah Winters—a mirror image of his decades-lost love, Lydia—his very soul is laid bare. He begins to question his sanity. Is she real, and if so, what does that mean for Jack and his secret?
Jack’s not the only mystery man in town. A stranger named Artagan hints at knowledge Jack is desperate to possess. But can he trust Artagan, or does the dark newcomer harbor deadly secrets of his own?
As Jack’s bond with Leah grows, so does the danger to her life. Jack must discover just how much he is willing to risk in order to save the woman he already lost once.
Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Council of Souls by Jen Printy.
Until the next time,
Happy Reading!
This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove