Ms. Kemmerer has new take on the ‘elementals’ or people that have ‘control’ of an element (namely water, fire, wind, earth and spirit), that I found fascinating. So it happens that the Merrick brothers have these rare abilities, and are bullied and hunted for them. I felt sorry for them, because they were feared by others (by no fault of their own) and they created their own coping mechanisms to deal with their life and their lack of parents.
Although this is Chris’s story it is also Becca’s. She is kind, more than a little gullible, loyal, and caring. She also has a knack for being in the wrong place, at the wrong time. I adore the Merrick brothers! What’s not to like? They are gorgeous, strong, loyal to each other, chivalrous (you go Gabriel!), smart and so on and so forth. Obviously, each one of them has a distinct character that acutally matches their element. Chris, you are too sweet for words! Quinn, Becca’s best friend is a riot! She is honest – borderline rude – and funny.
Now we come to Hunter. I was highly suspicious of “New Kid”’; usually when things are too good to be true, they are. I might warm up to him later, but I’m not there yet. I can’t really tell what was true and what was a lie.
The plot is original, although I was suspicious of the right people all along. However, I never put together what Hunter and Becca are. It is always good for young readers when YA authors address real problems and this book deals with tough topics like bullying, malicious gossip, and even rape. The writing is flawless, and easy to read. I also enjoyed that the story is narrated on the third person and we can enjoy different points of view.
Spark, Book #2 of the series will be published on August 28th, just in time for my birthday! (*hint* I hope hubby is reading this!) Oh, and in case you didn’t know, there are two novellas also available for your enjoyment :)
About the cover: There are four gorgeous guys on the cover, although it’s not what I envision the brothers to look like (especially since Chris and Nick are twins), but I’ll take it!