'Julie Kagawa is a strong new voice' The Sunday Express How do you face the end of eternity?In Allison Sekemoto's world, there is one rule left: blood calls to blood.
Allie has done the unthinkable - died so that she might continue to live. Cast out and separated from the boy she dared to love, she follows the call of blood to save her creator, Kanin. But when the trail leads to Allie's birthplace, what she finds there could change the world forever...
There's a new plague on the rise - a new strain of the disease that wiped out most of humanity generations ago - and this one is deadly to humans and vampires alike. The only hope for a cure lies in the secrets Kanin carries.
Allison thought that immortality was forever. But now, with eternity itself hanging in the balance, the lines between human and vampire will blur even further.
Return to Julie Kagawa's dark and twisted world as an unforgettable dystopian journey continues. Perfect for fans of Holly Black, Sarah J Maas and Tomi Adeyemi.
Readers adore The Eternity Cure!'I love love love this series!'
'You will love this book - read it!'
'What an ending!'
'I was so enthralled by this book I finished it in a day!'
'I couldn't put it down'
'Stop what you are doing and buy these books!'
The Blood of Eden series
Book One: The Immortal Rules
Book Two: The Eternity Cure
Book Three: The Forever Song
- ISBN10 0373210698
- ISBN13 9780373210695
- Publish Date 30 April 2013 (first published 1 January 2013)
- Publish Status Out of Stock
- Publish Country CA
- Imprint Harlequin Teen
- Edition Original ed.
- Format Hardcover
- Pages 448
- Language English

Enter The Eternity Cure.
Lots of zombie(?) butt whooping? Check. Awesomely fantastic characters (including, but not limited to, a katana-wielding vamp)? Check. Psycho bad guy? Check. Refreshing comedic relief? Check. Forward moving plot? Check. Emotional thrill-ride? Double check.
1. Lots of zombie butt whooping?
So, I'm actually not sure if the Rabids are "zombies" or not, but they eat people and are sorta dead so that's what I'm gonna go with. And if action and zombie killing is what you're looking for, you've come to the right place. Within the first few pages, Allison has fights under her belt. Cool.
2. Awesomely fantastic characters?
Let's break this down:
Allison - Oh, how I admire you Ally. I really do. With the constant battle between her vampire instincts and her human nature, you'd think it'd be a bit melodramatic. I mean, I'm not a vampire who is battling her natural instincts so I shouldn't understand. But I do. All thanks to Kagawa. I totally understand Ally and what she is going through and my heart breaks for her. There is no denying that she is fierce, but the battle she fighters to keep her human side is undeniably both harsh and admirable. She knows who she is, but also knows who she wants to be. She doesn’t deny her animalistic instincts when it comes to her loyalty and protectiveness, but she doesn’t want to become blinded to the good in humanity, even though her vampire side is superior in many ways. This constant battle to better herself made me root for her and understand to her hard life. I wanted to give this girl a hug so badly! But, considering she's fictional, that's a bit hard...so a mental hug with suffice. And I can't forget to mention the Katana! That sword's got a special place in my heart.
Kanin - Personally, I always loved Kanin. Sure, he pretty much started Rabidism, but it was an accident and he had good intentions. Maybe I'm just a sucker, but I totally feel bad for him. Sure, I understand why people hate him, but I also understand why characters, like Allison, love him. He made mistakes, but he's never stopped trying to right the wrong. I admire his determination and his heart.
Jackal - However, the best part of this book had to be Jackal. Jackal was a great comic relief that was much needed in this emotionally wrought book. His snarky jibes and sarcastic wit always showed their face at the perfect times, allowing a bit of light to come to their otherwise dark situation. And the relationship between he and Allison was an interesting back and forth with a bit of restrained companionship popping up between them. Honestly, without him, I think I would have liked the book a little less. Even though he is an arrogant jerk and definitely doesn’t mind the predatory side of being a vampire, he’s got goodness to him. It just takes a little digging to find it.
Psycho bad guy?
Oh yeah. Definitely a psycho. And I totally understand why! Which makes me have a grudging understanding of the reasoning behind his actions. Not saying they're right! Just....I get it. But still bat-ass crazy.
Forward moving plot?
YESSSSSS! This isn't a filler book!!! Everyone, JUMP FOR JOYYYYY!!! Okay, outta the system. So yeah. You learn a lot. Can't give it away. Read the book. And, pretty much just a lot happens (new virus?). Including new stuff. Crazy stuff. Stuff that's centered on Psycho bad vamp. Read it.
Emotional Thrill Ride?
Double check. My heart was filled with joy one second and thrown under a bus the next. I was laughing, gasping, shaking my head, yelling (inside my head. Not out loud. I don't want people to think I'm crazy), gaping like a fish, saying nononononono, all the while wanting to give everyone hugs. Yeah. Lots of emotions. And the ending.....I just....I don't know...what?! I....ughhhhhh I hate waiting.
Romance - don't want to give anything away.... ;)
So, if you can't tell by my awesome review, I loved this book. It was emotionally intoxicating, gave me a triple dose of action-packed adventure and made me fall in love with all the characters even more. This is one sequel that will make your head spin and demand the third book. No matter the cost.....
Originally reviewed on Oh, For the Love of Books!


In The Eternity Cure, Allie is off on a quest to rescue her mentor Kanin from (cue much-overused-nickname) "Psycho Vamp" Sarren. Allie is basically following her sire bond (sorry, some Vampire Diaries terminology creeping in there) like a compass, trying to locate Kanin before Sarren can break him. Except this compass actually leads her to find Jackal, and somewhere along the way the search for Kanin merges with looking for the cure for a new strain of Red Lung virus.
As exciting and action-packed as this book was, I have to be completely honest - I didn't enjoy The Eternity Cure as much as The Immortal Rules. I still really liked it, but for me, it definitely suffers from Second Book Syndrome.
Firstly, I really liked the emotional arc of Book 1. I thought Allie's struggle to remain 'human' despite her new Vampire-ness was really well done in the first book. And while she still goes through some of that in The Eternity Cure, we don't see that struggle nearly as much. Maybe it was just the nature of her progress, but still - it seemed like a lot of the heart and emotionality (is that a word?) that resulted from Allie protecting Zeke's group in Book 1 was absent here.
Also, I went into The Eternity Cure expecting to love Jackal, based on other reviewers' enjoyment of his snarky attitude. But for some reason he never clicked for me, and I found myself being just as annoyed with him as Allie most of the time. I often felt like he was too obviously The Comic Relief and had little other purpose. However, after the events at the end of the book, he's finally growing on me, and I'm excited to see his character more in Book 3.
Finally, while the pacing in this book was great, and Kagawa's fight scenes continue to be some of my favorites, the plot itself didn't really grab me. For some reason it reminded me of the sort of classic "traveling quest" device used a lot in fantasy books. You know, Our Hero has to go on a Treacherous Jouney to fulfill his Epic Quest, and along the way there are many Coincidences that lead to All Plot Points Being Related, and a Final Confrontation With the Big Baddie at the end. Even though it was never really predictable per se, I still felt like it had a very similar feeling to stuff I've read before, which makes me feel kind of "meh" about it, in hindsight.
That being said, I loved the ending. The events that occur in the last couple chapters gave me ALL THE FEELS. I can't rate the rest of the book any higher than 3.5, but I would give the ending 4.5 stars if I could. There is a GREAT cliffhanger (which I kind of saw coming but I don't care), and it left me absolutely dying to find out what will happen in Book 3!
In conclusion...
Despite my issues with the plot and the emotional side of things, The Eternity Cure is still an action-packed page-turner that should satisfy most fans of The Immortal Rules. Zeke and Allie shippers won't be disappointed either - I can't say much about them except that I love them and I totally ship it. But be warned - the cliffhanger will have you clamoring for Book 3! ;)
{ This review can also be found at my blog, There were books involved... }


Eternity Cure starts a few months after Immortal Rules ends and we find Allie on her way to find her sire Kanin. When I finished Immortal Rules I would have never guessed at how emotional this installment would be, there was already so much that Alli had to go through and give up. Kagawa has made the world so much darker and added so much more pain that my heart aches a bit. The first book had a ton of action but this one really ups the ante, there is just so much that happens in between the first and the last page.We also get to find out some more of the history about the plague, Kanin, and Jackel. Kagawa really threw me for a loop a few times with this one, there are some serious twists and turns in it that I didn’t see coming.
Alli has grown so much since she was first turned in IR, and she continues to find herself through out this one. She is still the tough girl with kick-ass sword but she’s learned so much. She’s such an awesome character, and she’s not so caught up on self-loathing that she can’t function. She’s more than willing to do what she needs to but at the same time she has her humanity. We also get a chance to see more Jackal…oh man…I hated him in the first book. He was smug and really thought he was some sort of gift to the world, and I suppose he’s still every bit as smug and arrogant but I kind of like him now. Well not all that much, he’s still a disgusting and arrogant guy but I’m starting to enjoy his quips and his snide attitude toward Allison. He makes some of the otherwise dire situations a bit lighter, even though his humor is twisted. We also get to see Sarran again (of course), who seems to have decided to up his level of crazy.
I’m not even sure what to do with myself now that it’s over, and knowing the third book is so far off is enough to make me want to just hibernate until I can function again. If you enjoyed the first book then please…please…please go read this one, you won’t regret it!
I received this in exchange for an honest review.

Allison Sekemoto hunts for her sire through her blood bond traveling by night and holding up by day. While she sleeps she can hear Karin’s cries of agony as he suffers at the hands of a psychotic vampire named Sarren. Along the way she picks up unlikely allies and finds herself journeying back to where it all began. The tale that unfolds is action packed filled with twists and turns. The characters and story had me laughing one moment and screaming the next.
Allie is evolving and we see growth in this kick-ass vampire girl. She learns to trust her enemy and keep her anger in check. She has hardened but she still embraces her humanity, and loves fiercely. Jackal is back and oh my does the vamp know how to take center stage! He is snarky, witty, totally untrustworthy and I absolutely love the snake! He made me laugh, scream, feel pity, have violent thoughts and then want to hug him. Karin carries so much guilty and despite what he has done there is goodness in him. If ever there was a character to fear its Sarren. He embodies all that is evil in a vampire and his plans gave me the shivers. We learn what broke this vampire and I did feel a twinge of pity for him but it was short lived. Zeke is back and you cannot help but love this preacher’s son. He was looking all badass with his weapons and he is fearless and noble. He helps Allie stay in touch with her humanity. The banter between Zeke, Allie and Jackal was fantastic and brought them all to life. We visit the inner chambers of New Covington and the Fringe it is here that Alli encounters those from her past, and it was quite intense.
The tale progressed slowly in the beginning but once the characters reached New Covington I was completely ensnared. Kagawa provided us with back history regard the characters and the outbreak of the Red Lung disease. I enjoyed all of the details and felt a closer connection to the characters both human and vampire. Kagawa held nothing back and this tale was dark, gritty and at times very violent. It was realistic, detailed and brutal and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Hey, I am not a sicko but we are talking vampires, power plays, and a deranged sociopath! The tale called for darkness, blood and gore and it was brilliantly done. The relationship between Zeke and Alli heats up, despite her attempts to remain friends. I feared a triangle in the first book with Karin, Alli and Zeke. Karin is portrayed more as a father figure and I have come to respect him. The romance takes a backseat but it directly impacts Alli and the events that unfolded. They have nicknames for each other and it helped offset some rather dark moments. Let’s talk about the ending it was epic, gut wrenching and totally did a number on me. It is not a cliffhanger but it did leave me screaming and OMGing all over the place. The last chapter had me singing, sobbing and then Kagawa friggin blew my mind! We are left knowing what direction the third book will take and who its key players will be.
Fans of Immortal Rules do not want to miss Eternity Cure. Is the Blood of Eden series new to you? I recommend the series to fans of dark paranormal stories and dystopian settings. This is young-adult but it pushes the envelope and I would recommend it to older teens and adults.
ARC provided by publisher in exchange for unbiased review
Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Even the horrid characters are likeable, from the sarcastic and often barbaric Jackal to the bat shit crazy Sorren. Gone are the days of flamboyant, sexually disoriented vampires that sparkle in the sun wearing chastity belts. Julie Kagawa has created an incredible dystopian, supernatural society with a strong female heroine.
I heart you Julie Kagawa. Lady, you rock my socks off.

Suz @ Bookish Revelations
"I smelled blood as soon as I walked into the room..."
From the first line of this amazingly written novel, I was sucked into this deep, darkly rich, and gritty world full of bloody violence, emotional twists, and epic turns that are completely unexpected. To say that this novel was vividly enthralling, would be a complete understatement. It comes alive in gruesome detail and sucks you into the world. Right off the bat, the feel for this novel and the tension, is elevated to a higher level than in her previous novel The Immortal Rules.
This is a dark gruesome story that will break you in so many ways and leave you craving more. It's just as powerfully emotional as it is violent. Rife with despair and heartache, it's also filled with hope and love. The bond between Allison and Kanin is incredibly touching and fantastic to read about. Sarren is just as sinister and truly evil as any villian in a post-apocalyptic novel should be. Jackal is such an amazing comedic addition to this novel. He has pitch perfect timing, in an otherwise bleak and dreary story. Funny and amazing, this is definitely a character that you won't be forgetting any time soon.
Dangerous and sexy. Full of intense action and a dark grizzly outlook on life, The Eternity Cure, is one of the best written paranormal young adult vampire novels this year! You'll fall deeper in love with the characters, the journey that each of them takes, and the struggles they endure. It's complex and complicated. Old characters will come back unexpectedly, new characters and adventures will fill the pages with amazing new things for this saga to offer readers. There is nothing like this series in the young adult market these days. Julie Kagawa has created a powerhouse trilogy that is sure to wow and captivate fans of the dystopia and paranormal genre for years to come.

ARC received on February 28 2013
The Eternity Cure is filled with awesome! It is both heartwrenching, full of hope, and also filled with despair.
This and other reviews can also be found on my blog (un)Conventional Bookviews
The Eternity Cure starts a few months after the end of The Immortal Rules, and Allie is on a mission! She wants to make sure she can save Kanin from Sarrin’s death-grip, and follows his blood call on a whild chase through places where she’s never been before. All alone, and learning how to take care of herself, and what kind of monster she wants to be, she travels at night. Allie asks the right questions, and gets what she needs from the people who wouldn’t mind hurting her – if she was a human girl – and she’s not afraid to get after what she deems necessary in this quest to save her maker.