Written on May 19, 2018
But it was really good. I do recommend it absolutely. Just maybe not the audiobook, especially if you're a speed reader.
Notes While Reading:
"too curvy"
One of two Indians at school.
Bullying, Racism, "Pochoantas"
Turning 17, dumped on 16th b-day, "gained 10lbs"
"head in the fridge, heart in the garbage disposal"
odd numbers are auspicious
oh no, lightening BS.
Ugh so fat hating herself.
Clothes shopping is hell.
"body is your temple, your home, your bones"
Curve hating for hips, butts, and boobs. Totally the in type now.
"closet Christians"
Wow Gwen, greedy, selfish, and forthright
Should have left the coat, idiot!
Wow, wearing the same outfit. Fucking Gwen.
Now we're drunk & loopy.
Ugh Julian is creep.
Throw up on him!
uh, the sleepover?!?
Should've closed the lid and sat on it.
You idiot.
"lifeless like a sold house"
"I have J-lo dressing alcoholic photographer for a daughter"
haha, omfg. At least they care.
Love her mom's way of talking.
Yes, the dude is the lucky one too not just the girl!
She calls arranged marriage barbaric.
American Born Confused Desi = ABCD
Love the actual sleepover
Aww the presents
Love the ABCD's
Man, she's really dull & judgemental at the tea
He's doing it on purpose!
WTF is going on with Gwen?
WTF Dillian. Julian.
Uh oh. Calls black woman "cornrow" and says "cornrow to cornho"
"not in Jersey anymore" Shut up stuck up Dick Dillian
Not even at the party yet, dragging. Ch. 17.
So tired of Dimple's shit.
So obsessed with Gwen's looks. Is she in love with her?
Sabina got armpit hair. Good for her!
Asexual? Pansexual?
Love Sabina.
Has she never heard of a dj before?
Omg Gwen is such a bitch. Stand up to her!
Gwen wants Dimple's life without the complications of being an immigrant Indian. Fuck her.
Excruciating AF!!! Awkwardness is killing me. omfg. Dimple! Gwen! Karsh! SOMEONE ACT RIGHT!
Wow the dumps of descriptions and memories between sentences are..ugh. Let's get somewhere!
Skipped to Chpt 44 (the last one). It's the end of summer, September. And all ends well that ends well. YAY!