The "Clan Amir" series follows some significant events in the life of Berant, a small tropical country with a very strong warrior tradition. A Fighting Heritage (Book One) contains three loosely linked stories of courage and determination. Falcon Chick (Book Two) contains twelve stories about the exceptional Gordon 'Gerry' Mannheim, depicting the events that caused him to grow up fast and become an adult. Falcon Fledgling (Book Three) follows the growth and development of Gordon 'Gerry' Mannheim. These seventeen short stories document key points of his life from 10 years of age until 16 years of age. The Day...Read more
The "Clan Amir" series follows some significant events in the life of Berant, a small tropical country with a very strong warrior tradition. A Fighting Heritage (Book One) contains three loosely linked stories of courage and determination. Falcon Chick (Book Two) contains twelve stories about the exceptional Gordon 'Gerry' Mannheim, depicting the events that caused him to grow up fast and become an adult. Falcon Fledgling (Book Three) follows the growth and development of Gordon 'Gerry' Mannheim. These seventeen short stories document key points of his life from 10 years of age until 16 years of age. The Day of Blood (Book Four) is the story of foreign businessmen determined to take control of Berant. The Falcon in Flight (Book Five) an exciting new addition to the series! The Shukra War (Book Six) The neighbouring country has a rebellion...The U MAMA War (Book Seven) Years after the end of the war, Gordon 'Gerry' Mannheim writes a summary of the war against power hungry businessmen.
- ISBN10 110553152X
- ISBN13 9781105531521
- Publish Date 5 March 2012
- Publish Status Out of Print
- Out of Print 27 March 2013
- Publish Country US
- Imprint
- Format eBook (OEB)
- Language English