Getting Off is the true saga of a woman's life as it unfolds during the end of World War II. This dark, but sometimes humorous account, takes the reader through a series of compelling dramas, including a bout with Polio, an attempted suicide, a failed marriage, her involvement with cryogenic suspension, and then at last, a successful career in advertising. But then, at the height of her achievement she is brutally knifed in the presence of her 8 year old daughter. After more than a year passes, the alleged perpetrator is caught and the women, who we come to know by the name of "Z", is asked to be the star witness for the Prosecutor. As the case goes to trial, Z is confident that her assailant will be convicted and she will be free from the fear that had possessed her.
- ISBN10 1257475363
- ISBN13 9781257475360
- Publish Date 18 November 2011
- Publish Status Active
- Publish Country US
- Imprint
- Format eBook (OEB)
- Language English