Written on Jul 15, 2018
Erika is with her daughter Alice having to rush back to see her ex-husband Michael to get her favourite doll. He lives on the 14th floor, typical, so they go in the lift despite Alice’s reluctance. On their way up, the lift stops on the 7th floor and the door opens but leaves a small gap and Alice runs out, then the lift keeps going. One of my fears is losing my daughter Alicia, and so this played on the fears of a parent. BIG TIME!
When Erika goes on the hunt for Alice, my god I think I held my breath while she frantically ran around the building. I couldn’t imagine losing my daughter and how sick I would feel at the lack of control I would have.
My god the emotions throughout the book, the lack of support from everyone in the building. Apart from Gus, I loved Gus.
Whilst we are on our rollercoaster in the present day, we are also herded back to the past. Where we meet Erika and Michael still together struggling. He has the promotion and the money for his family. But the marriage isn’t what it seems. She’s not happy and feels he is not supporting her the way a husband should.
What I had to keep reminding myself was this book had been written by a man. The only reason I say it like that is that he captured Erika’s emotions and feelings perfectly as if he understood the mind of a woman when in peril.
I think from 92% in the book I sat in the car with my jaw opened as my heart was in my throat. I didn’t know where we were going on and blinking heck what Alex delivered has left me with no relief and so many questions! I am in shock, I am not sure when I will be out of it. I sat in the car in a stunned silence and then for about five minutes kept saying What the hell! He sucker punched me! Hats off to you for the delivery and the journey you took me on. I will never forget this! It has made me hold on to Alicia that little bit tighter because you just never know what may happen when the lift doors open.