Written on Apr 14, 2016
Part one delivers desserts from bars to party snacks for friends and families. Spice up your pound cake with one of the thirteen frosting recipes including pretzel frosting! The cookbook has sixteen cake recipes with beautiful pictures that had me drooling. I was tempted to lick the page. How do Caramel Salted Cupcakes sound or perhaps a Banana Blonde-Bottomed Cheesecake is more your speed.
The second part is all about dinner. It features sections on pizza and pasta, salads and sandwiches and a whole section on family favorites. Within the second half you will find breadcrumb pasta, a fabulous mac and cheese and sandwiches that will delight the palate. I have already made a few recipes and found the ingredients could easily be found at my local grocer. The directions are simple, clear and concise. There is a Bacon and Pea pasta recipe that was absolutely delicious. Nom-Nom.
Copy provided by publisher. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Reviewer