But, the rest of the book was great. Rose was still kickass. She was determined and headstrong but there was a lot of growing up portrayed. Particularly in regards to her mother. It was obvious to see that they are very similar people and that was the cause of a lot of their conflict. It was nice to see how that relationship developed and how they came to a bit of understanding of each other. The same could be said of Mia, who comes a long way in this book. Although bitchy, the events of this book change her - she goes through a lot but manages to find her way out the other side of her challenges.
I still love Dimitri. Although he's not exempt from having some stupid moments in this either. There was less of Lissa and Rose friendship - having been on their own for so long and younger when Lissa had her last boyfriend, they seem to be having issues problems navigating how to be friends and manage a relationship. Which to be fair, is hard for anyone. I didn't love that Lissa seems to forget Rose, even if she doesn't mean to. I would've liked to see a heart to heart between them and hopefully that will occur in the next book.
The action was fast paced and riveting and I flew through the remaining pages. This is a really fun series.