Written on Sep 4, 2020
World Wild Vet is an autobiographical memoir by Dr. Evan Antin about his background and the road he's traveled in his career and following today. Due out 27th Oct 2020 from Macmillan on their Henry Holt & co. imprint, it's 256 pages and will be available in hardcover, audio, and ebook formats.
The book is written around a framework of semi-chronological reminiscences arranged by geographical areas. He opens with his early student experiences in Australia and Africa through his years qualifying as a vet and onward to his specialist training and experience with exotics and his deep commitment to conservation and educational work.
The book sometimes felt a bit scattered and directionless to me but it was always well told and Dr. Antin's passion for his work shines through. I confess that I picked the book up because of the cover and subject material (I, like a lot of youngsters, had a dream to become a vet, but found that programs leading to a healthcare degree aimed at humans was a lot easier to access). It was fun to live vicariously through Dr. Antin's eyes.
Four stars. This would make a superlative choice for fans of his media work, animal lovers, and readers who enjoy memoirs (Cousteau, Attenborough, etc).
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.