Written on Mar 17, 2017
Not rating this one because I did not finish it.
Each to their own and all that jazz, but I really struggle with New Adult Romance. In this case, my struggle was with the heroine.
She consciously puts herself in danger with an unknown man who approached her on the street. Yeah, I made some stupid bloody decisions when I was her age but most of those were made AFTER a few drinks.
I just don’t get it. I know reading can be an escape from the real world but I want to escape to a better place. I don’t mind angst and I can handle dark (within reason) but I have to have hope that each romance I step into is heading towards a better place. How can I do that when the heroine consciously (without the influence of alcohol and drugs) puts herself in danger. More times than not, she’s shaking in her shoes, so she already knows it’s a bad decision…but does it anyway.
I also had a wee bit of a problem with the hero...I can't believe anything that comes out of his mouth. Yes, we get his POV but I know where his thoughts started.
I know I'm going against the grain with this one, so don't go by my opinion alone. This was described as a standalone but I really felt at a disadvantage not knowing the characters and their history. Check out the other reviews because there is A LOT of love for Black Hearts.
For anyone interested, I wrote a post on my blog - Why I struggle with New Adult Romance - http://www.staceyissassy.com/random-ramblings-why-i-struggle-with-new-adult-romance/