The deadly Doctor Methuselah seeks to unravel time itself with his solution to the Eternity Equation...Gorilla Khan stalks darkest Africa from conquered Atlantis...Mad scientists, strange sorcerors, and power-hungry dictators all seek to undo the fate of humanity. It's the final century of the second millennium - and you are our last hope! "Spirit of the Century" is a complete, stand-alone pulp role-playing game based on the award-winning Fate system (Indie RPG Awards include: Best Free Game of 2003, Best Support, and Andy's Choice). Spirit features a heavily revised, revisited, and reimagined vision of Fate. Character creation can be done as quickly as a few minutes, or expand to take up an evening; adventure design is a snap with three methods for creating relevant, flavorful, player-focused stories at a moment's notice. Spirit's mission is to deliver an evening of fun, a "pick-up" game that requires little preparation, but provides hours of entertainment. All you will need to play are some friends, some dice, and this book. 2006 Indie RPG Award for Independent Game of the Year 2007 Silver ENnie Award for Best Rules.
- ISBN10 0977153401
- ISBN13 9780977153404
- Publish Date 28 February 2013
- Publish Status Active
- Publish Country US
- Imprint Evil Hat Productions LLC
- Format Paperback
- Pages 416
- Language English