Written on Dec 1, 2007
This story brings in a mother of twins that from the very first a reader can sympathize with and feel her emotions clearly as their own with a relative part of her life. She has both good and bad in her life and tries to focus on the good and what's right, but just like all us, can become overwhelmed by the bad that she wants to fix. Another character from the very start is Scott Lewis, Scott has a past of a broken heart and does not want a repeat and therefore is very guarded with his life. Thrown in with the what-ifs of life and love and what shouldn't be... murder. Who committed the murder and why? When people start to get too close, others begin to get hurt and die. So many suspects... So many motives... where to turn and what to think?
This book was very realistic in some ways for a fiction novel. I can easily see the characters play out in real life in a similar fashion. The only part I do not buy is the un-authorized detective work performed by civilians. In this day and age with our law enforcement it is almost scary to think of investigating things. But perhaps, I've seen to many movies and heard too many stories and just find police officers suspicious and ready to jump on anyone that appears too interested... Too bad we cannot all be Nancy Drew. ;-)