The emotion in this book is so strong, you can feel Tess' fear, her worry, her sadness. You can understand how she wants her mother to love her, but despair at what she puts herself hrough to try and gain it. The brainwash her mother puts her through, you just want to slap her.
An example; Grace covers her leg in lipstick, and wraps bandages round it, and tells Tess that God is punishing her for being a bad mother - because she must be if her daughter doesn't love her enough that she keeps visiting the lady upstairs and loves her instead. Her leg will bleed and bleed until she dies, unless Tess promises not to visit the lady upstairs anymore, and to love her mother. When she does, a miracle takes place, and God turns the injury into lipstick. It's disgusting.
Tess has had such an awful life, and reading all the things she had to go through made me so emotional. It's an eye opener for people to realise how normal - not lucky - we are who live good lives and have loving families.