Another great story from Section Four and the O'Kane gang. We have Trix who is originally from Sector Five, but escaped to Sector Four as a strung out druggy. She is now all clean and a member of the O'Kane with ink cuffs and all. At the beginning of this story, she is kidnapped and taken back to Sector Five because Dom wants revenge for getting him kicked out of O'Kane's gang.
Finn has believed for five years that Tracy had overdosed and was dead. Even though he has stayed on as Fleming's enforcer, he had little love for his own life. Isn't he surprised when Trix shows up and is the Tracy he once knew.
This story is as hot as you would expect from any Kit Rocha book, even as Kit and Finn are running and trying to make their way back to Sector Four. It takes a little bit for the couple to figure out where their relationship stands and to be sure that the previous relationship wasn't based solely on drug addiction. Plus, they have to figure this all out while on the run.
Finn has to come to term with some of things he has done while he was the enforcer for Sector Five. He has a tendency to feel sorry for himself and to feel that he isn't worth anything. Even after he puts his life on the line for a member of the O'Kane family, he still doesn't seem himself as a valuable contributor. Even living in a world where everyone has done things that they are not proud of, it is something he could've gotten over a little faster.
Not only do you have the story of Trix and Finn, we have lots going on in the overall story arc. As you can imagine, there is stuff going on in Sector Five. There is a lot that happens there, but I can't tell you more without spoilers. We also meet a group of friends of Finn's in Sector Six, so I see something there in the near future. Oh, we did have an O'Kane party to welcome Finn. If you've read the series, you know what that entails. Lots of sexiness, that's what.
This is an extremely fun and erotic series. While this book can be read without starting from the beginning, you will be missing the backstory of many of the secondary characters. All the books in this series to date have been an extremely fun ride. I highly recommend that you start the adventure from beginning to get the full sense of the world that the O'Kanes live in.
**Book was provided to me by the author. This review is my opinion and was not requested or provoked in anyway by the author.