Written on Mar 26, 2017
I loved the Fox Prince, Vikram. He was such a fun character, I loved that he wasn’t necessarily a strong knight but he was cunning and clever. Using his mind to get out of situations and to get himself in trouble. He made me laugh and I liked that he was always engaging Gauri in banter. Purposely pushing her buttons, knowing she would rise to the occasion.
I felt sad for Gauri. I had loved Maya and her relationship in the first novel and it made my heart break she had to go through so much strife. I also like the twist that between her and Vikram, she is the soldier. She knows not only to fight with a sword but also with her beauty. It made her someone really interesting and someone to be reckoned with. I would get frustrated with her lack of trust though, especially when Vikram would show her time and time again that he was her partner. She slowly softened as the story moves along but it definitely took a lot of convincing. She learns a great deal about her true self.
Aasha was a great addition. I loved how the story begins to branch to include her. She was one of my favorite characters, if not the favorite. Especially when she would try to eat anything just to experience it. Her willingness to follow her curiosity.
Always great side characters. I loved all that were included in the story from the monsters to Kubera himself.
The tournament. I always love plots that involves games and tournaments of some kind. I think there are so many creatives things that can come out of it. The Tournament of Wishes is no exception. Again I loved the way the mythology is woven into the tournament itself. I found those parts to be absolutely fascinating.
I really enjoyed the story and I’m glad to have a little more of this world. I can’t wait to see what Roshani writes next.