Written on Nov 13, 2018
I think about how there are certain people who come into your life, and leave a mark.
I don't mean the usual faint impression; He was cute, she was nice, they made me laugh, I wish I'd known her better, I remember the time she threw up in class.
And I don't just mean that they change you. A lot of people can change you—the first kid who called you a name, the first teacher who said you were smart, the first person who crowned you best friend. It's the change you remember, the firsts and what they meant, not really the people.
— This kind of made me nostalgic for people I once knew but am no longer in touch with, because we grow up and life goes on. This was an okay read. I just wish there were two POVs instead of one, because the other sweetheart wasn’t fleshed out as much as I wanted him to be.