Written on May 21, 2017
All by myself...don't want to be...all by m_y_s_e_l_f....
I know this is a favourite of a lot of my friends, but I JUST DON'T GET IT???
I think, honestly, it's my fault. I don't get small town, sexist mentality. This chick puts up with her ex harassing her constantly. She visits her father twice a week to do his washing. Her admittance to wanting to lecture "Super Stud Muffin" (my term, not a quote) because he admitted to "relieving some stress" (hint hint nudge nudge) before seeing her. Is this chick naive...or just stupid?
Now, Super Stud Muffin is the reason why this journey came to a close. I don't get mafia/gang loyalty. Marco (SSM), admits he's being used and manipulated, served time to protect his brothers, and still goes back for more? Sure, I get that he's struggling to go clean. Lower your standards, my man, clean a few toilets, earn some respect. Yes, I'm probably sounding very 'high horse' but, again, it's because I plain old DON'T GET IT.
Sex scenes were pretty steamy. Some of the other characters were pretty cool. This was definitely a case of just my problem. The Viper and Untamed Hearts series is very popular. I suggest you check out other reviews before basing your decision solely on my review.