Emma (SCR)
The story follow Hannah Davis. The book begins 6 weeks after her rat bag husband decided to tell her he didnt want to be her husband anymore. In those first few chapters I really wanted to shake Hannah and punch Daniel (the husband). She is in denial and it is so frustrating. She keeps thinking of ways to get him back when she should be moving on. I was very glad when she started to do just that.
I loved hearing about the cruise boat and all the different parts to it. I know a few people who have been on a cruise and one day I would absolutely love to go on one. I loved how close knit and family like the crew became. It reminded me a bit of my first year of uni. I really enjoyed hearing about all the different stops, especially Rome, Venice and Barcelona. I have visited these places and I felt like I was transported back there with Victoria's words.
The first half of the book is about Hannah picking herself back up and putting all the pieces back together after her break up. There were quite a few funnies from this. The second half of the book is about life once she has moved on and is the new and improved Hannah. I really enjoyed these scenes too.
This is the first book I have read by Victoria. I really liked her writing style. It was funny and romantic. This book is a perfect holiday read but it's also perfect for reading at home under a blanket like I did.
I really enjoyed the way this book ended and would really love a sequel to see the next stage of Hannah's life.