Born in Death is the twenty-third book in J.D. Robb’s In Death series. The In Death series is one of my favorites to read when I’m in the mood for a Romantic Suspense. I’m so glad I’m still reading this series for the #InDeathReadALong challenge.
Storyline/My Thoughts: This book put me through so many emotions; if it wasn’t the case that Eve and her team were investigating, it was how pregnant Mavis scared Eve and Roarke. Yes, Eve and Roarke were petrified of Mavis and her emotions and also her going into labor. It didn’t help either when Mavis needed Eve’s help finding her pregnant friend. Mavis needed Eve to find her friend and keep her in the loop.
At first, Eve and her team are investI enjoyed the storyline of this book because it left me guessing who was behind the murders of the couple and who was behind Mavis’s pregnant friend going missing. I had a hard time figuring out who was behind it all this time around, so I was shocked at the ending once Eve and her team figured it out. J.D. Robb did a fantastic job with this book when it came to the suspense of the storyline. It did have a weird villain(s), though, in it, and I won’t spoil it for anyone.igating two homicides of a couple who worked at the same company. Eve has a funny feeling that the couple who were killed were onto something at their company. It’s up to Eve and her team to find out the truth.
Overall, this book gets 4.5 stars from me, and I look forward to diving into the next book in the series. I’ll never forget the moments between Roarke, Eve, and Mavis in this book. I don’t think Eve and Roarke are ready to have children yet.
Standalone or Part of Series: It’s part of the In Death series, and I would recommend reading in order.
Would I recommend this book? Yes. I recommend this book and the rest of the series books. I can’t wait until I finally catch up on this series. I feel like the characters are family now, and I want to know what happens next in their lives.