Even though you are given an inkling to what is going to happen at the beginning you still can’t help but wonder if you can believe what happens. Then when you find out the truth, according to the book, it’s enough to make saints swears. (I loved that!)
The true story is shocking, absolutely cruel and terrifying that something like this all could happen. I can’t talk about the plot, I don’t want to ruin it but OMG it was awesome in my opinion.
Mandy has written a story which gets your pulse racing, makes you question everything, even the written word. People are most despicable and just quite simply wrong. Not quite sure how some people slept at night…well we do, just awful oh the anger I have!!!
So, Holly, she was a runway model when Simon spotted her and had to have her. He saved her from her drug addiction and now they are married and about to have twins. He’s the perfect husband, he buys her a gorgeous house in Cornwall by the beach so she is back to her roots, yet this could be the beginning of the end. Especially when she keeps dreaming a little boy in dungarees and a little girl in a summer dress playing on the beach, but how can this be when her son is dead.
This will be seen at the end of the year in my book list, I swear Mandy has cast a voodoo spell on me! I flew through this book in just over a day, outside my adulting, I stayed up past midnight (I didn’t eat after midnight so no Gremlins here!) and I hid in the bath to get Behind the Lie read, it was relentless and it wasn’t letting go of me. All the while I was nervous as I was getting near the end. Then I got to the end…
Even though the book has finished, I know the ending, I am still on edge because I still feel like some is going to happen and that it may not be the ending we have. Yes, I know this highly illogical as the book is over, yet I am still sitting here waiting for the sting. Mandy laughed at me and told me there is no sting, but yet…
Here I am still waiting…..