Written on Jan 21, 2020
Although I quite enjoyed the novel and the idea behind it, I have a few things to criticize. So, let's start with those.
First of all, the language. I get that Owen used a certain choice of words to support the world-building and the vibe of the book but she ended up repeating the same words and phrases so often I got more and more annoyed by the page. I kept thinking if she writes "betwixt" or "you ken me" one more time, I will scream.
Furthermore, why does there always have to be a romance angle? Just once I would like to read a young adult book that can get by without one. By the way, it's not important for the story and I didn't feel like it furthered the plot in any way, so why? Why???
While I liked the world building that going on and the caste system introduced, I found myself a little bored at times. There was more to be explored about the different castes but instead the book featured several repetitive moments without answering many of the questions I had.
This all sounds pretty negative so far, but the book wasn't that bad. The idea behind the book is interesting but somehow the novel failed to hold my interest after initially sparking it. I was curious how this would all end but at the same time kept putting the book down.