Moby Dick is a vast and dangerous white whale. An enemy for many years after the whale bit off his leg, the crazed Captain Ahab is obsessed with his quarry. Together with his extraordinary crew, Ahab braves the oceans of the world to hunt the fearsome Moby Dick. Geraldine McCaughrean is one of the most distinguished living children's authors. She has won the Carnegie Medal, the Whitbread Children's Novel Award (twice), and The Guardian Children's Fiction Award. Geraldine's most recent best-selling novel "The Kite Rider" was published to universal acclaim in March 2001.
- ISBN10 0342191543
- ISBN13 9780342191543
- Publish Date 10 October 2018 (first published 1 September 2002)
- Publish Status Unknown
- Imprint Franklin Classics
- Format Hardcover
- Pages 568
- Language English