Witty and Sarcastic Bookclub
Written on Aug 29, 2018
Leland Gaunt sells things for an intriguing price- what the shopper can pay in cash plus one prank. Just a harmless little prank. Except, it's Castle Rock, Gaunt isn't who he seems, and suddenly these pranks have less than harmless consequences.
The idea is fascinating, Not because someone who deals in more than currency is a new idea; it's not. But someone who uses pranks as currency is very original and the way the story progressed is unique. I've never heard any version of the Peddler who deals in that sort of trade. So, right away, I was intrigued.
Stephen King is an incredibly talented writer, no one will deny that. At times, I did feel like there were too many background characters, and there were a few parts that I think could have been condensed (for example, there were multiple Elvis Presley sexual fantasies, which seemed redundant). Overall, though, I really liked it. By the end, the story was barreling along at a breakneck pace and taking me with it.
See full review at wittyandsarcasticbookclub.blogspot.com