Written on Jul 7, 2014
This story is a recollection of Lee's four years at school, but also a reflection, as it is peppered with commentary coming from an older Lee. Lee spent her four years of high school largely observing what everyone else was doing, hiding herself and her desires from everyone, but actually being seen more than she thought. I appreciated this look into a subculture that I was no part of (having gone to a public high school), but that I could relate to (said public school was very small) and experiences that most could relate to. What girl has not felt left out, not pretty enough or insecure at some point? I have read some very unfavorable reviews for this book and the complaints vary from: moves to slow to cannot relate. It is not an action-packed story. It is a girl, reflecting on lessons learned during her high school years, reflecting on missed windows of opportunity and BIG mistakes she had made. But it is a very thoughtful book, and well written. I saw myself on the campus with Lee. I felt my heart breaking for her and tears welling up in my eyes during her senior year. I felt happy for any success that she enjoyed. The fact that I felt anything for her means the book touched me in some way and the author made a connection with me.