"With My Lazy Eye" tells the story of Bunty, a myopic, muddle-headed little girl and her relationship with her distant father. As she stumbles her way through childhood and teenage years - failing exams, losing tennis matches, fighting with her father, falling in and out of love, longing for his attention - her eyesight deteriorates and her father becomes ever more elusive. A chance discovery about her father's past changes the course of her life and her attitude towards him forever. A metamorphosis begins, but it's possibly too late..."With My Lazy Eye" is a funny, poignant and highly original portrayal of one girl's coming of age.
- ISBN10 1843511266
- ISBN13 9781843511267
- Publish Date 12 November 2007
- Publish Status Active
- Publish Country IE
- Imprint The Lilliput Press Ltd
- Edition Illustrated edition
- Format Hardcover
- Language English