Written on Aug 27, 2019
Saying that, it did talk about symbols and sigils, runes, dreams, and occasionally built upon the information provided in the first book on crystals, for example. So again, I have dipped in and out of it since reading, to gather the information I want to include in my own grimoire (correspondences for planets, days of the week, moon signs, moon phases, colours, crystals, numbers, etc.). But I am quite wary of buying any more books by Alexander in this series specifically to do with witchcraft - she has also written The Modern Witchcraft Spell Book and The Modern Witchcraft Book of Love Spells. If I had to choose between the two books I'd say maybe buy The Modern Witchcraft Grimoire, but there are a few elements that are in one and not the other.
However, her writing, the depth of information, and how easy she is to understand has led me to order her The Modern Witchcraft Book of Tarot - I have a few books on tarot that I've been reading, but have been finding it difficult, so I'm hoping Alexander will help here.