Written on Dec 30, 2015
This was a strange book for me, confusing. I couldn't remember what happened in The Van Alen Legacy, I don't know what Schuyler is doing, what the legacy is, how she and Jack have ended up on a boat, trying to escape, so it was all a bit baffling. But I reckon I've got a fairly decent grasp of what's going on going forward, so there's that. This did feel a bit disjointed, mind, because it focused on Schuyler and Jack, then went to Mimi, then went to this new girl Deming (who I loved) and there was no connection, well there was, but the stories didn't interlink with each other, like one review said it was like three short stories connected together.
I did however enjoy it once I got to grips with it, although I'm sure I'm still not 100% sure what is actually going on. Something to do with the devil? IDK.
I will finally get this series finished, I loved the first four books so much, they were some of my first vampire books, but I think I left it a little too late to really LOVE this series, because I am slightly confused and befuddled. I did LOVE Deming's story though. She was ace, although I was so sad about Paul. I actually liked Paul, and that whole storyline, with Mimi, was quite awesome and clever.
One day, when I don't have a humongous TBR pile, I will re-read this series properly so I can understand what's going on, because there is a LOT going on, these vamps certainly don't have it easy by any means!