Written on Nov 10, 2014
When I was asked to review an eARC of Santa's Little Helper and being told it was a horror I agreed as I don't read many horror novels and with it being near to Christmas and it featured those Elf on the Shelf dolls that do look a little scary I thought it would be a fantastic read.
I was right it was a fantastic read, the author writes this book in such a way that I was sucked in and also scared to death too. These Santa's Little Helpers are not those cute little elves that we were all led to believe for all these years, they are pure evil and change into more evilness in front of the children when they are away from their parents.
I really enjoyed this terrifying book although I know these dolls are aimed at young children it was a little disturbing that 4 and 5 year olds were the targets of these elves. Having children of around that age I can honestly say since reading this book I will never bring one of those elves into our home.