Written on May 23, 2020
1. Want ★★★★Well, I devoured this in just over three hours. As a story on its own, I enjoyed Ruse more than Want; however, the duology as a whole left some questions unanswered from the first book.
"Clean air is a luxury."Ruse is fast-paced and full of action. If you enjoyed the heist elements of Want, you won't be disappointed! I like how it tackles issues of privacy a bit as well as corporate espionage in addition to the social and political themes explored in the prior book.
"Our strength is in each other."I loved having multiple perspectives in this book, although it was a little jarring to having Zhou's in first person and the others in third person. I found myself more connected with Lingyi's perspective and I think the disconnect I felt with Want is a result of my not completely vibing with Zhou's perspective. Which was nice to finally put my finger on! Lingyi and Iris are my absolute favorites and I'm very thankful that the characters are all dealing with the events of Want in their own way.
"If not us, then who."Ultimately, I loved Ruse but it doesn't quite feel like a direct sequel if that makes sense? There are a few threads from the first book that just didn't go anywhere and that did hamper my overall enjoyment a bit, but this is a critically important duology that I recommend!
Representation: Asian representation, f/f relationship, PTSD representation
Content warnings: depictions of grief, loss, murder, violence
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