"A blueprint for love can only mean trouble ..." -- Cover. Philomena Donovan (Mena), devises a plan. Step 1: Dump Mr. Wrong, Barry. But then Mena wants him back to impress her parents and upstage her sister. Step 2: Date Mr. Right. However, Plan B is to make Barry look bad in front of his new girlfriend and snag him on the rebound. Mena dates Barry's best friend, Rio, to get Barry jealous, but the unexpected happens. Step 3: Pick up the pieces ... Love wasn't supposed to happen, not with Rio at least. Along the way, sibling rivalries and parental relationships complicate courtship efforts.
- ISBN10 1420136275
- ISBN13 9781420136272
- Publish Date 24 June 2014 (first published 1 January 2007)
- Publish Status Active
- Publish Country US
- Imprint Zebra Books
- Format eBook
- Pages 304
- Language English