12 books • 11 series
I graduated from California State University with a BA in History. I am fond of historical fiction, science fiction, fantasy, and horror.
Knox Sovereign (Knox Sovereign: The Juche Wars, #4)
Detective Bishop Flamme (Detective Bishop Flamme: Case of the Serial Assaulter, #1)
Turbulent Toucan Omnibus Trilogy (Turbulent Toucan, #4)
Viral Revelations (Viral Revelations: Ra-E's Visions, #4)
Amir Laurent (Amir Laurent: Fowl Play a Cuckoo Tale, #2)
Benny Dubious Playbook Scheme (Benny Dubiuos Playbook Scheme Nevada Shuffle, #1)
Arctic Shadows (Arctic Shadows: A Lenin Aslanov Story, #1)
Acorn Man Savior of the Forest (Acorn Man Savior of the Forest, #4)
Ivan Zhuk (Ivan Zhuk: Zhuk's Gambit, #1)
Benny Dubious Playbook Scheme Trouble in Georgia Book 3 (Benny Dubious Playbook Scheme Series 3, #3)
Rowan Sunfire Frosty Fugitive Omnibus Trilogy (Rowan Sunfire Frosty Fugitive, #4)
Benny Dubious Playbook Scheme Trouble in Georgia Book 2 (Benny Dubious Playbook Scheme Series 3, #2)