Joseph William McIntire is a multifaceted individual. As physicist, mathematician, artist, and poet, he has traveled extensively from the Amazon to the Himalayas as well as in the Arctic. His poetry draws inspiration from the diverse cultures and landscapes he has encountered. This poetic journey began with the tutoring of his grandmother, instilling in him a lifelong passion for verse beforehe could read.Later in life while navigating science and academia, poetry emerged as a steadfast beacon of solace. He has authored two poetry books and two books for children. "Tummy Talks", his first children's book, was written for the University of Nevada Las Vegas, Cooperative Extension Center, to combat early childhood obesity. That book reached an extensive audience of 50,000 readers within its inaugural year. It has since been published in Spanish for Latino readers.For over five decades, Joseph has honed his craft, sculpting words into poignant reflections on life experiences. This new book marks the culmination of decades of introspection, encapsulating a wealth of wisdom and insight. The prism of poetry contained herein is exciting and thought provoking. As a self-proclaimed "renaissance author," Joseph's verses serve as a testament to the human spirit in an ever-evolving world.Enjoy Joseph's first book - THE UNSELF AND OTHER POEMS