Ashley Pool was born in Redding, California and lived there until she was 15. She met her husband, Kevin, at 17 in 2007 shortly after moving to Carson City, Nevada. They married in 2011 after been engaged for two years and had their oldest daughter a few months later. Five years later, they had their youngest daughter in Washington state while Ashley's husband was serving in the Army. In 2017, they moved to Texas after her husband was injured and was honorably discharged from the army. They have lived in Texas since. She began writing her first book when she was pregnant with her oldest daughter. It took her eight years to finish the book between having writers block and just having life happen. She has always loved the word of fiction. Majority of the books she has read in her life were fiction. She currently works as a paraprofessional for special needs students and drives a school bus.

May 24, 2024
Cover of Full Moon Witch

Full Moon Witch