Greta T. Bates resides in a quaint, coastal town and considers herself a beach person, a winter beach person. Summers find her indoors, writing and editing and waiting for fall. She writes stories that explore lost love, revenge, and the struggle of being a human, told through the lens of horror. A Mills College alumna, she has been featured in several online publications and her poetry can be found in Dream, 2nd edition, and Shards, both publications of Ravens Quoth Press. Greta has fire sign short stories in Horror Scope-A Zodiac Anthology, volumes 1 and 3. And, she is the proud author of Wounded. Look for her second novella in the Wounded series, Hazed, coming soon!!!
Currently, she is working on her first novel. Greta lives in Fairhope, AL with her small fam, 3 cats, and her little dog too.
Find her at: