Dr. Roger Smith writes science-fiction, medical thriller novels featuring advanced surgical devices, AI, telesurgery, simulation, and speculative diseases; and travel adventures that follow a group of running tourists through exotic countries. The medical series is inspired by his career in healthcare and experience with robotic surgery devices. The travel novels are inspired by his actual vacations in the countries featured in the books. Prior to writing fiction, he enjoyed a goldilocks career in healthcare, government, and national defense. For ten years, he was a leading robotic surgery researcher, publishing his results in medical journals and speaking at surgical conferences. He spent four years in civilian government service, leading the technology innovation for all US Army simulation systems. Prior to that, he was a vice president for multiple defense software companies.Dr. Smith has received multiple awards for his innovations in robotic surgery education, training simulation, and software system development. He is on the faculty of the University of Central Florida's College of Medicine and the Institute for Simulation and Training.He holds a doctorate and MBA from the University of Maryland, a master's from Texas Tech University, and a bachelor's from Colorado State University.He lives with his wife, dogs, and cats in sunny Florida, frequently escaping to cooler climes during the beastly Florida summers.