The first author is the current Editor-in-Chief of The Student Midwife, an online journal written by student midwives and midwives, and edited by student midwives and newly qualified midwives. Consequently, she is well connected to much of the UK's student midwife population and the channels used to promote materials tailored to this readership group. She is also on Health Education England's Blended Learning Midwifery Advisory Group which is commissioning universities to develop pre-registration blended midwifery degree programmes and is therefore in tune with contemporary developments in midwifery education. Alicia is also a student midwife that has written articles and spoken at conferences about the maternal health disparities affecting Black, Asian and multi-racial women in the UK. She is also co-ordinating the development of e-learning modules that support professionals working in maternity settings to promote positive outcomes for women and babies from marginalised ethnic communities.