Abdul-Qaadir Taariq Bakari-Muhammad was born, raised, and currently resides in Hampton Roads, Virginia (also known the 757 area). He is an author and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in History from Norfolk State University. His passion for writing began in high school, where he was always into doing research for various subjects and reporting what he found. Mr. Bakari-Muhammad writes erotica, poetry, speculative, and historical fiction. Nowadays Mr. Bakari-Muhammad is contemplating a Master of Fine Arts degree, his first novel, or some other next-level work that will increase his quality of life. When he's not writing he's thinking about writing, always with the creative mind constantly in motion. Spending quality time with his wife and three beautiful children are what he treasures the most but he also enjoys what he calls his "me-time." (That normally translates into working out at the gym at least four-sometimes five--days a week.) During the spring and summer months, that me-time also includes trips to the beach, where he likes to read and sunbathe in one of his thongs or G-strings, chosen to suit the spirit of the outing. (At some point and time he'll go cool off in the water, too.) Mr. Bakari-Muhammad's work has appeared in numerous publications that you can find by visiting his website, www.bakarimuhammad.com. He can also be reached on Instagram, @abdulqaadirbakarimuhammad.