Cassandra Algy is a Gurindji/Mudburra woman from Daguragu currently employed as a Karungkarni artworker. Since 2005, Cassandra has assisted linguist Felicity Meakins in numerous Gurindji language projects including Aboriginal Child Language Project; Gurindji history projects (producing 2 books Yijarni and Mayarni-Kari Yurrk); Gurindji bush medicine, bush food projects and sign language projects; and the Karu project based on Gurindji child rearing practices. Cassandra manages scheduling of language speakers, as well as preparation and use of audio and video equipment for recording sessions. In 2020, Cassandra delivered a presentation on Gurindji sign language (takataka) to the Australian Language Conference.
Jul 5, 2023
Cover of Tamarra
